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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Writer's block + Crash Test Dummies

Its been a while since I've updated this blog. My writer's block has been crippling for the last month. I haven't been able to write one single word, which is bad being the author of two blogs. The steps I have taken to fight the beast: reading more and listening to inspiring bands/artists. Music is my go-to remedy for just about anything. My writer's block solution has always been to start a writing prompt, which resulted in a 250-500 word essay or a page-long journal entry on my day. Not anymore.

I think the reason my writer's block is continual because I am burned out on it. I have been professionally writing a consumer protection blog since 2008. That blog involves extensive research, back-and-forth company correspondence, and a great deal of crime solving. With each post I have to pull my content together before publishing my work. My posts are so lengthy that I sometimes have to "double blog" for one entry: -- That's my domain if you'd like to see my posts. Since the freebie industry has slowed down, I post less on There just aren't many findings to report. Which is what brings me to the present. Wafflesound Reviews. My first love is, and will always be, music. Since I can't play it, I engage music in other ways: attending live shows, going to record stores, listening to many styles of it, and, now, writing about it! Writing about the very thing I hold dear is exciting. It's not that I need to stay motivated though, my mind has just been dry. I have so many plans and ideas in store for this blog, and I am ready to share them with the world.

The Crash Test Dummies pulled me out of this rut. Sadly, I never took this band seriously, which is why I am just now getting into them. I had always liked "MMM MMM MMM MMM" and their XTC cover "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead" but never really checked them out. It turns out their 1993 release, God Shuffled His Feet, is a fine work of art. Stand out tracks from this album: "Swimming in Your Ocean," "God Shuffled His Feet," "Afternoons & Coffeespoons," "MMM MMM MMM MMM," "I Think I'll Disappear Now." I liked this album so much I started browsing their entire music catalog. I listened to I Don't Care If You Don't Mind, now I'm on Oooh La La. From what I've gathered, Oooh La La is largely composed of vintage toy instruments? How cool is that. The band's offbeat instrumentation and enchanting harmonies make for one brilliant discography that music fans should not ignore.

Afternoons & Coffeespoons - Crash Test Dummies (1994)

I still have a long way to go, but I've enjoyed every minute of what I have heard so far. Do yourselves a favor. If you have only heard "MMM MMM MMM MMM" by this group, please give God Shuffled His Feet and their other albums a try. You won't regret it.


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