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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Up late with The Arcade Fire

I forgot how beautiful Arcade Fire's Funeral album was. I'm sitting here at approximately 12:52 a.m. listening to "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)" while sipping a cup of tea. The opening track, "Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)," brought back a flood of memories from 2004-2005. I don't know why I stopped listening to these guys. I love them. As for blogging, I stepped back to give my readers time to absorb all the posts. From January to March I had written quite a bit... It's not that I posted over 10 times a month, but the posts themselves were a little long.

One of my children's books was accepted, and I should get a proposal in a few days. The publisher, however, does not offer advances so I'm not so sure that it will work out. However, I am contacting a list of over 30 publishing companies right now to see if they offer advances. Many do but some do not. I just do not want to waste my time or theirs if they do not. I have to go to bed in about an hour and a half, so I better get back to contacting these publishers. Until my next post, enjoy some Arcade Fire! Good night. c[_]


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