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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Adam Ant at the Majestic Theater, February 14, 2017

I loved the Adam Ant show so much that I decided to write about it. The opening act were the Glam Skanks, an almost all-girl rock band from Hollywood, CA; I forgot the drummer was actually a male! It wasn't until the current Adam Ant tour that I discovered them. I listened to their music before attending the concert so I knew the songs when I got there. They sounded good live. They came on at 7:45 p.m. and played until about 8:30 p.m. Below is their set list.


"Teenage Drag Queen"

"Tube Tops"

"Fuck Off"

"I Want it Now"

"Send Me a Postcard"


"Bad Bitch"

"Wild Soul"

"Glitter City"

Glam Skanks.

With all the band's glam, and the lead singer's orotund singing voice, the Glam Skanks are destined for greatness! Prior to Adam Ant, they have opened for Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper. I'd like to see where they are 5-10 years from now musically. They don't look over 20-years-old, and to be so talented! Their performance rocked.

After the Glam Skanks walked off at 8:30 p.m. there was a 30 minute intermission. At nine o'clock, Adam Ant came out on stage spinning with the microphone. He then sang "Dog Eat Dog," the first track off his Kings of the Wild Frontier album. There was so much energy that I think only 10% of the room sat the whole night. I joined the dancing crowd for two hours straight and had a good time!! The only thing I don't do at shows is sing along like other people do; I'd rather hear the performer and not myself! Now if it's a song I really like--which was all the songs Adam Ant played that night--I will mouth the lyrics. Let me take you through this exciting night with the set list from the show...

"Dog Eat Dog"-- Adam Ant's opening song got everybody up and moving! This song happens to by a personal favorite of mine from Kings of the Wild Frontier.

"Antmusic"-- This song is still playing in my head, "So unplug the jukebox and do us all a favor. That music's lost its taste, so try another flavor. Ant music, ant music, ant music, ant music." Hard not to sing along, or in my case, "follow" along to this one!

"Feed Me to the Lions"-- I love the opening guitar riff on this song, and it sounded great live! Before Adam Ant and the band performed their next tune, Adam Ant said to the audience, "Hello Dallas! How are we doing tonight?" and it got better as the night went on...

"Los Rancheros"-- Just like being in the old west! It was so cool when Adam Ant did his famous kick dance on this one~!! I know he kicks around a lot but it just fits on this song.

"Ants Invasion"-- The opening riff on this one must be heard at least once live. It's just that good.

"Killer in the Home"-- This song moves a little slower on both the album and live version but that's what I love. It slows down here and builds on the next song...

"Kings of the Wild Frontier"- When Adam Ant started singing the opening line, "A new royal family, a wild nobility, we are the family" the audience shouted back, "We are the family!" After singing it for the third time, Adam Ant roared loudly, then grabbed the microphone stand and spun around! He did that all throughout the show and it was welcomed by everyone.

"The Magnificent Five"-- This song sounds too darn good live! Seriously, I did not want it to end...

"Don't Be Square (Be There)"-- The quick notes all throughout this song make it so danceable!! If I had to pick just one for danceability this would be it, though all the live tunes had everybody cutting the rug...

"Jolly Roger"-- I enjoyed hearing Adam Ant whistle into the mic on this one. Between the whistling and the "Ahhhh's!!!" I really did feel like I was on a pirate ship for three and a half minutes. Ahoy, mateys!

"Making History"-- This was nice to hear. Several times during the show, Adam Ant went to the left side of the stage wall and pressed up against it. He would also bend his knee. He has done this during some very old performances, too. Not sure why, I guess its just something that he does. Doesn't bother me though. I find it interesting!

"The Human Beings"-- I really love this song. There is definitely some Native American influence on it with the chorus, "Blackfoot, Pawnee, Cheyenne, Crow, Apache, Arapaho" and tribal drum beat. Once the song ended, Adam Ant opened his arms wide and said, "And that was the Kings of the Wild Frontier" to which everyone applauded.

"Beat My Guest"-- The band picked up speed again by playing this fast-paced number. This is perhaps the oldest--or one of the oldest--songs in the Adam and the Ants music library. Sounded just like it did in the old days.

"Christian D'or"-- This is an all around fun tune that seems to be many people's favorite, and I like it too! I think on the 2013 U.S. tour set list "Press Darlings" and "Cleopatra" replaced "Christian D'or."

"Stand and Deliver"-- When the lights shined back down on Adam he said, "Thank you kindly" to the cheering audience. He then said, "Somebody could have told me I had my hat on back to front for three songs. *pauses* Nevermind. *pauses again* Okay, let's get this going now... C'mon boys." He was joking and smiling though, so he wasn't bitter over it. It was funny, and he stood and delivered a stellar performance. Sorry, I had to!

"Vive Le Rock"-- Okay, on this song the band doesn't really join him until after he sings the first part of the song solo. If you listen to the album version, he sings the four opening lines before the music actually starts. So that is why he always performs it that way at his concerts. Once the band joined in, many of those who remained seated for the entire show stood up on this one!! I'm glad this song is performed at all of his shows.

"Car Trouble"-- Before playing this song, Adam told a story about how his family used to go on car trips down the coast. He said one time a gang of bikers circled their car and wouldn't let them move. He then made a fist, imitating his father. He said his dad raged, saying they were disgraceful and calling them rapscallions. He said he told his father from the back seat, "I thought they looked cool, dad." The band then *started up* "Car Trouble." Okay, I did it again! Anyway, Adam would nod when he sang the line "Car trouble, oh yeah." I love the lyrics to this one. :)

"Desperate But Not Serious"-- This one got everyone pumping again. Toward the end of the song Adam usually pauses before singing the last few lines, but the pause this time lasted over a minute. I knew they would finish it but when? lol... Kinda cool though still!

"Zerox"-- Fun fact about this song: The title is a reference to the Xerox photocopier. Whereas Xerox machines are used to make paper copies of documents and other visual images, it is used as a metaphor for plagiarism in the song's lyrics (example: I'm never bored, I'll steal your chords). After hearing this one I couldn't wait for what was to come...

"Never Trust a Man (With Egg on His Face)"-- This one is a slow song from Adam Ant's 1979 album Dirk Wears White Sox. However, the live version is faster and more rocking! This was really great...

"Lady/Fall In"-- What can I say? "Lady" followed by the swift, opening line, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. At the screen on the green now!" on "Fall In" had everyone punking out until the next song. I like that they played those songs before Adam Ant's number one hit "Goody Two Shoes."

"Goody Two Shoes"-- Who could not like this one? It's a classic 80's hit! Loved watching him kick dance on this one!!

"Prince Charming"-- This was the last slow song, I guess. Adam tried to get everyone to sing the lyrics to "Prince Charming." At first, he stood at the mic and shook his head like, "Ah, no. Can't hear you guys." Then he bent down, cupped his hand around his ear and continued to slowly walk backwards. It was as if to say, "I can't hear you, keep going." The audience finally sang, "Prince Charming. Prince Charming. Ridicule is nothing to be scared of" to his liking and he finished the song. It was rather humorous to watch!

Encore:-- This is where Adam Ant says, "Thank you and good night!" and the band departs for a few minutes.

"Red Scab"-- The band then returns to the stage with this old rocker. "Red Scab" never disappoints!

"Get It On (T. Rex cover)"-- Adam Ant is known for covering T Rex songs, and "Get It On" is one he has been steadily performing ever since his return to the music world. Good choice!

"(You're So) Physical"-- The show then ends with this guitar-driven rock song. The perfect closer to a 2-hour set!

I will say though that his U.S. fans have been wanting to hear "Strip" an awful lot. The last time he played it was on the 2013 tour. The camera crew took a break and sat in the empty row behind me. One of them told the other, "::so and so's name:: e-mailed management and they said he will not be playing "Strip" tonight" I must admit I was a little bummed but I was not holding my breath. Two ladies talked about it on Facebook as well. One said several people on Twitter sent Adam Ant tweets, telling him to play "Strip" and he did. So they were like, "Let's do it!" Too bad it didn't work so we could hear it. :(

Perhaps do a Strip tour next? In addition to a Strip tour, I would like to hear songs from his Persuasion and Wonderful albums. Manners & Physique had some great songs as well. Maybe a tour could also be made to support Persuasion and Wonderful with songs from Manners & Physique mixed in. Don't get me wrong, the b-sides and old school stuff rock! But the latter albums need more attention. I think the only song played live from Wonderful in recent years was "Wonderful." And no songs from Persuasion have been played. As for Manners & Physique, give us fans "U.S.S.A," "Anger, Inc.," "If You Keep On," "Young, Dumb, and Full of It," and "Manners & Physique" live! I know "Room at the Top" was on the 2013 set list, but I'm not sure when "Rough Stuff" was played last.

Anyway, ever since Adam Ant's return, his live shows just keep getting better! I want to thank Adam Ant and the band for a rocking show, and for making my birthday and Valentine's Day extra special~! It was a wonderful night. <3


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